Information technology has transformed the world of finance, putting data at your fingertips and enabling you to better serve your clients. But equally so, organizations like yours have been forced to become hyper-vigilant about the security of their technology. With Dyrand Systems’ advice and expertise, you can utilize the technology you need, while at the same time, protect your organization from technology’s inherent risks.
As a managed services company, our solutions provide support and infrastructure for a wide range of finance professionals including companies that deliver wealth management, investment, mutual fund, leasing, financial planning, and insurance services. We understand how a good client experience is critical to these organizations, as a misstep may raise questions about your vulnerability.
While many of our financial clients have chosen Dyrand Systems for our cybersecurity expertise, many have also chosen us for our experience in providing cloud solutions to a range of businesses. But we recognize that the solution that fits another client may not be the one that suits your firm — no solution is one size fits all. It’s only after thoroughly analyzing your organization and its business needs do we propose the solution that best suits your company, it’s staff and clients.
It’s no surprise that cyber incidents are more common in the financial sector, but the numbers are truly eye-opening, as this article from the Bank of Canada’s website shows:
Source: “The Cyber Incident Landscape”, Nikil Chande and Dennis Yanchus, Staff Analytical Note 2019-32, The Bank of Canada website, December 2019.
And while many finance firms have been able to carry on during the current health crisis, the proliferation of employees connecting remotely to work networks, some from personal computers, has provided new opportunities for more plentiful and aggressive cyber attacks. Is your organization prepared?
We focus on network, server, end-user, and end-point security, and provide the tools to enable your staff to use their own devices, while still ensuring that your corporate data remains safe and secure.
Audits from financial institutions, and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), GDPR, SOC, and CSAE compliance can be daunting, but with Dyrand Systems managing your infrastructure requirements, they can be documented and fulfilled much more effectively.
We provide key processes such as change control, configuration management, security roles, access management, reporting, and audits.
If you have in-house IT support, we work with them to fill the gaps in a proactive managed service arrangement. If you have specialized line-of-business applications that require advanced IT skills currently not on your team, we can provide experts who have experience with your industry’s top applications.
Our IT solutions deliver support and infrastructure for firms in the finance industry, along with firms that have financial professionals working in their organization. We provide value by ensuring that none of our clients ever need to worry about their IT infrastructure.
Unlike other IT companies, Dyrand Systems truly cares about the well being of your business. We’re here for the long run, to help you with any issues that may arise now and in the future. The success of your business is vital to the success of Dyrand Systems.